Wednesday, September 3, 2014



Racing is now upon us and health is the up most importance.The stress of our feathered athletes can be compromised, so during this time a watchful eye is necessary. Remain vigilant. Being proactive is the course of action.

Below is a typical week and shipping on a Saturday:

Sunday Race Day:
Return from the race a tonic of electrolyte and sugars then later in afternoon a purge with a bacteria fighter, such as avian solution.  Late birds a Fabry Ideal pill can be given. Feed a candy type mix on return then heavier grains for the last meal of the day. This is the day to be watchful and decide the action to be taken for the upcoming week.  If concerned with a few late birds use Tony Treasure Tablet #7984 along with the Fabry Ideal pill #FP006.

Day of rest and a Fabry Ideal or Vita King Ideala pill is given in morning. Feed a half depurative and half race mix. Option in water a treatment with canker or respiratory if desired. Bath day for the team. I use Van Hee or Fabry salts in bath. Pink minerals sprinkled on feed.

Exercise morning & evening not forced, but be observant to watch actions of team when flying.  Expression and energy in flight and on return.  Again a 50% and 50% mix with the feeding.  Canker or respiratory treatment in water.  Pink minerals sprinkled on feed.

Training day at least an hour on the wing.  Same feed both times of day (50-50) Last day with canker or respiratory treatment.  Pink minerals sprinkled on feed.

Train or exercise depending on time and weather.  Feeding, start to change to the race mix with added safflower.  Use a Probiotic on the feed or given in water.  Gem product called Flight Fuel also given.  Mix with Medpet product Primaquin.

Train today if weather is reasonable.  Gem product called Impact is given in morning. The evening gives Jedds B-12 or equivalent.  Feeding use race mix with added safflower and Brewers Yeast. If weather is bad in morning train about 20 miles in late afternoon. I’ve found this method will give the birds a boost of speed.

Saturday shipping day:
Feed ½ rations for the morning feeding less than 225 mile race and only Safflower for the short races in morning only.  Pull the grit. Fresh water given on shipping day many fanciers force water with a catheter type syringe.  Teach your birds to drink in the crate, if you need to modify your crates do so. Introduce raw Spanish peanuts after the 250 mile races.  Weather dictates your feed.  If the weather is cold I’d suggest adding more calories.  Warm weather, add fewer calories. Motivation must be used either by introducing some old birds to the section about an hour before boxing them to go the club if no other motivation is used.

The above is a general race week. Many fanciers have the sliding door method to keep the hens and cocks separate all week then show them just before boxing them to go to the club. This is very good, but requires more time to manage. Training in the real hot beds of racing can be twice a day starting on Tuesday at about 40 miles each time. They fly for money and this can make it worth while.

My motto is: Young Birds is for young guys and Old Birds is for old guys.

The use of eye drops and pills can be positive on shipping days and I’ve used them and if you’re winning, you don’t change anything. Many have the birds trained to drink out of the crates on shipping day. This may give you an edge!

You make the call on the time needed for this hobby. The bottom line is enjoying the birds. “Many Roads to Rome.”

Yours in the sport,

Greg McKnight